Saturday, November 26, 2016

Avalon as a killer cat

killer cat movies

The book is a collection of essays in which leading horror writers, bloggers, and filmmakers dissect their favorite movies with killer creatures (including killer cats).

The cover design is by Gilles Vranckx.

When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies with Killer Animals is available for pre-order as of today from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, and many others.

If you're a fan of Avalon, this one should definitely belong in your collection.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Avalon in Belgium

Travel blogger Ingrid Dendievel from Road Tripping Europe photographed Avalon's book against the backdrop of several famous places and attractions in Belgium. Enjoy!

Monument Everard 't Serclaes in Brussels

Avalon in Belgium
Avalon in Belgium

Bookshop Tropismes in Brussels

Avalon in Belgium

Grasmarkt in Brussels

Avalon in Belgium

Cat café Dreamcatchers

books cats lemonade
poezewoefke bier

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Literary cats

kubrick book
kubrick book yawn


hide and seek book


literary cats
literary cat


literary cats
sherkhan cat



Do you want to see your pet featured on Avalon's blog as well as on his Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest? Then send pictures of your pet posing with Avalon's book to lionavalon(at)gmail(dot)com mentioning 'Cats Reading Books' or tweet them to @AvalonTheLion. You can also post them to Avalon's Facebook page.


literary cats

Saturday, October 8, 2016

New Sketch of Avalon

Thomas Clausen of One Drawing Daily made a new sketch of Avalon what do you think?

cat sketch drawing

Avalon's book is only $0.99 on Kindle today! Tomorrow, the price will go back up again. 
Get it here.

sketch avalon

Friday, May 20, 2016

Avalon won the audience award at Sundance

Hi everyone! I just heard the good news that my short film AVALON received the audience award at the Sundance Short Film Competition. Thanks so much to everyone who voted. If you haven't seen the short film, you can watch it for free at Or, if you prefer, you can read the original screenplay here:

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Watch Avalon's latest movie

Do you want to see Avalon's latest short film Next to Her?

I am giving my readers free and exclusive access to the movie which is currently not available anywhere else.

Next to Her tells the story of an elderly man, Maurice, who visits his demented wife in the nursery home. A shared lunch is the only thing they have left, but his wife's mind drifts off to the ghost of her deceased cat Avalon whom she sees walking around in her room.

I'd love to send you the movie so you can all see it. Click here to have access.

avalon movie

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cats reading books

Do you want to see your pet featured on this blog and on Avalon's Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest pages? Then send pictures of your pet posing with Avalon's book to lionavalon(at)gmail(dot)com mentioning 'Cats Reading Books' or tweet them to @AvalonTheLion. You can also post them to Avalon's Facebook page.

cutest tuxedo cat


cats reading books


cats reading


reading cats


cats with books


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