Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cat Show

Cat Show
Cat Show
Cat Show
Cat Show


Marilia said...

Hello! Love Avalon stories!!!
I´m from Brazil, and I have four beautiful cats. Three boys and one girl. See them in my blog ->

Eat To Live said...

New follower!!

Jewels For Hope said...

I'm a new follower from the blog hop! Have a great day :)

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I love animals; I have 4 border collies (sheep dogs) and a gorgeous black and white cat called Jessica.

Came via Welcome Wednesday, CJ

Unknown said...

Stopping by from the Relax and Make Friends Wed Blog Hop, I also followed and will check out your Facebook Page Aprils Lifestyle Show Have a great day!

YulyaShenka said...

Stopped from Hop Blog (Yuliya Sh)

Unknown said...

New follower from the blog hop, love the cats, I'm a cat person. have two furbabies of my own:)

Daisy said...

I am a purebred Devon Rex, but I do not think I would do very well in a cat show... on account of my big squishy belly!

Jade Rahl said...

LOL that's really cute!
Newest follower from the Blog Hop Skip & Jump Wednesday Blog Hop!
Come return the visit and enter one of our awesome giveaways when you have the chance :)
The Sleppery Mind

Unknown said...

Oh Avalon! Yous most beautiful, even if yous got hit by a bike!!

Musings of a Creative Writer said...

LOVE this!

meowmeowmans said...

We love Avalon! Our cats Moosey and Sammy are handsome dudes, but we've never entered them in a contest. :)

Fuegita said...

I love cats! This is really cute.

Now following you from the blog hop. Would love if you would stop by my blog and follow me back.

Mom Daughter Style said...

cute cartoons. im following you blog. Ihope you visit mine too

Anonymous said...

So cute. We recently got a sphynx named Summer. She is hairless, and loves to sport different outfits around the house to stay warm on cold days. She also likes to take baths and go swimming in the summer.
My boys have taught her to play fetch (just like a dog)!
We think that she is pretty hilarious. Our next step is teaching her to use the toilet- we start next week. Wish us luck!

teecup said...

Hi Avalon from Vanilla, Munchkin and Cookie Boy! :)We love following your cartoons and are so glad to have you on our blog roll.

Sara said...

Aw, pirate kitty beauty pageant. :(

ropcorn said...

Aww. Nothing stops that cat. I love it! :p

Chana@ Mamma Town said...

Hi there! Found you though the blog hops! Such an adorable space you have here. I'm your newest follower, hope you'll swing by and return the favor! Be sure to leave me a comment letting me know who you are, I miss so many cool bloggers who follow because they don't comment! Thanks!

Abigail, Madison, Lisa said...

Hello I am a new follower (KritterKondo)
Found you on the Saturday Blog Hop. Stop over to our Blog and say hi, love your Blog.
Have a great Caturday!

AJ of PupLove said...

Stopping by on the hop - love the illustrations!

Rachel Martorano of Ravens Rascals said...

We have 3 cats! The newest member (a 7mo kitten, part bengal) copies the 3yo cat in everything! When Ace bathes, Hobbes bathes. Whatever postition Ace sleeps, Hobbes sleeps, even if Ace changes positions while sleeping! It's funny to watch! :o)

Lynda said...

Thank you for swinging by 2 Against 1 . Following back now.

Unknown said...

Very Cute! I am now following you from the hop and would love a follow back at

Anonymous said...

Found your blog at the Sunday Blog Hop at Shibley Smiles :D Have to send your link to my husband's computer - he LOVES cats. We have four cats, Rags, Dusty, Izzy and Payton. Just joined you on GFC and Twitter - opps also signing up for your email - Avalon is a cutie ❤

BeeSeeing You!

Hercy said...

Aah so cute! I love cats very much! >< Anyway, I am a new follower from the blog hop! Have a lovely day!! I'm sooo looking forward to Avalon's future strips! :D

Trudy said...

Funny!! New follower here from the weekend blog hop.


raisingmarshmallows said...

My dog Max approaches people like a furry muppet and my cat Ginger thinks she's a dog.


NANCY said...

Following you thru the blog hop! Hope that you'll take some time to check out my blog as well. Have a great day!!


maiylah said...

cool blog!
thanks for the follow; am now following you back :)

Coleen said...

thanks for following on my blog. I'm following here now too. Your cartoons are so funny. Nice work.

Coleen in Ukraine

Erika said...

This is so funny! We just got a new kitten! I stumbled this post - hope you'll visit me too! :)
Musings From a SAHM
Have a great day!

OrangeHeroMama said...

following you back! :) said...

no pets here, but that was a cute story...
I stumbled your post, please consider visiting and stumbling Autism through the Eyes of a Special Needs Teacher

Darcy said...

How cute! Igrew up with dogs but currently have 3 cats.. they have quite distinct personalities!
Stumbled your post, if you could stumble mine I'd appreciate it!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Poor Avalon :-(

Thanks so much for joining the Tuesday Train ~ hope you'll come back again soon!

Anonymous said...

How cute. Following from the Tuesday Train Hop. I so love cats...


Terri. said...

I am a new follower via GFC and Facebook. I found you through Follow Me, Chickadee! I hope you can stop by and check out my new blog and follow back.

I love cats so much...mine is 15 years old.

Stacey said...

Following from Follow Me, Chickadee!
Hope you will follow me back at:

Sara said...

I stumbled this. My post is

Elle said...

That is cool. Stumbled.

judee @Gluten Free A-Z said...

Great blog.. following you back from Gluten Free A-Z...

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Southern California

I am your newest follower.
I invite you to visit my blog and become a follower.

God bless and have a nice Easter :-)


Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

THis is too funny!
I'm visiting from a blog hop. Come see me when you can!

Midnight Mommy said...

I am your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by! :)


Finale Queen Benelux 2011

Stem voor KIM VAN HOUTTE - Stuur Queen 8 naar 6687 (0,55 cent per sms)

Of ga naar (gratis pol klikken nr 8)

Kaarten en steun:

Unknown said...

OK, this is a surprise...I usually follow design/homemaking blogs but this is fun. I am following you back! We have one big gorgeous cat, Murray a black tabby, and 2 dogs: a shiba inu named Sammie and a mutt named Henry. ann at

The Reason You Come said...

Haha! That was hilarious! Poor cat, though.

Thanks for the follow! I'm following back. :)

Sbb1 Wellness said...

OMG, how cute and too funny lol. I'm so glad you stopped by. I love cats and your blog is awesome addition to my daily blog roaming! I am of course following you back:)

Oh! I am also running my blogs's first big giveaway and hope you will stop back by to enter it.

Shelley Zurek -- Still Blonde after all these YEARS said...

I don't even like cats and avalon makes me smile!

Thanks for joining us for Stumble Tumble Tuesday! Please come again next week! Stumbled you, please stumble me back!

The Chief Blonde

Sassy Sites! said...

Thanks for coming by Sassy Sites and linking up. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Don't forget to enter the giveaways...


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm visiting from Smart & Trendy Moms' linky party. I "followed" your blog. I'd love a visit back at


Coleen said...

So fun. I'm following now on your blog. Thanks for following on mine.

Johnnie said...

Hi! I am stopping by from the weekend hops. I am a new follower. Great blog. Blessings...
Saved By Love Creations

Shawn said...

I am new to the pet blogosphere. My fur babies, Chloe and Cecil, wanted a share of the action so I have decided to give them a couple hours a week to see what they have to offer!
Not in our wildest dreams did we think we would meet a celebrity!

Anonymous said...

Tee Hee Hee :D You sure went all out to win that one Avalon! Never thought I would ever love a cat...but HEART HEART :P

Followin your tooney tail :)

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Hello and following back! Our cat begs, we think he learned it from the squirrels that come to the back door looking in for peanuts. Here is the post about it.

Judi said...

Too cute!
Thanks for participating in Weekend Cat Blogging.

Bailey Be Good! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bailey Be Good! said...

Bailey Be Good! said...
So funny... for a kitty. ;)

Woofs & hugs!

I followed you! :)

NCSue said...

Hi there! What lovely cartoons! I wish I had the talent to do something like that. It would be really neat to have a cartoon of our boys, traditional Siamese named Ling & Lucky. Their pix can be found at the bottom of my sidebar at

Have a happy Easter!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

lol....very cute.

Clooney said...

I came over from WCB, Avalon seems like quite the character, like someone else I know...I'm George Clooney's furry double and we have another feline at our house too, Neytiri from the Ragdoll Clan. Our blog is:

Love all your cartoons!

Renata van Miltenburg said...
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Raven said...


What a cute blog. Thanks for coming by and following. I'm following back! Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Hi, I hope you can follow me, like I follow you,


Soul, known as “The Drifter”, is looking for his childhood friend, Horace, called “The Fatman”; he lost sight of him when he was sent to war in Iraq. He wants to find him back, because it was his only friend ever… or isn’t it rather because the Fatman owes him a few bucks? Anyway. One day, he shows up at the door of a Bureau for Private Investigations. Another man is on the Fatman’s track, a police inspector called Bob Bludgeon. He is investigating on the Fatman who could possibly be the cause of the disappearance of a hundred prostitutes in town in the last four years. It looks like one of the worst cases of serial killing worldwide. In the office of the Bureau for Private Investigations, is sitting Jocelyn, a young woman lost in a past romance, perceiving reality in a pretty distorted way, collecting pictures of nuclear explosions and looking at them with a childish fascination. Dark secrets link all these characters together. Secrets that will be revealed on the edge of a precipice.

Mai – 2, 9, 16, 18 & 23 – 2011, 20h30
Mai – 22 – 2011, 16h30

Place – Lieu
XL Théâtre,

rue Goffart 7a

1050 Bruxelles

Amethystmoon said...

very cute! thanks for linking up on Tuesdays Gone at Life Music Laughter

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow, I'm returning the favor. Love the illustrations.
I have two dogs. One black lab/ pointer that is about a year and a half old named Cali. We nicknamed her Runoff because she bolts every chance she gets. She was abused and is very timid. But she loves adventure and running like crazy. The other dog is a big boy (bullmastif/ pit..looks like a brindle bullmastif) named Eko. He was named after Mr.Eko from LOST because he is a gentle giant. He is a very good boy that was abandoned (chained to the porch) next door. We love us some Eko!!

Karen F said...

New follower from Mommy Time Out Tuesday Blog Hop!

Mommy's Moments

Crunchy Frugalista said...

That is too cute! I am your newest follower from the Tuesday blog hop! Hope to see you soon at!

Social Media Junkie said...

What a fun blog. Love it. I'm your newest follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday.

Have a great day,

Jessica said...

Stopping by from the Monster Hop!
Have a wonderful Day

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower, here on the Tuesday Blog Trail from Six in the Nest. Come follow me at!

Unknown said...

New follower here, very cute cats!

CRichman said...

cute you have a award on my blog!

lovinangels said...

Stopped by to say that for sixty five dollars, you're undercharging. ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you for linking up! I am a total cat person :) This is so cute, I'm glad you found me. I am going to go browse through your blog now!

Stacy Uncorked said...

We have two cats and two dogs - the cats always give the dogs a run for their money! ;)

WW: Signs of Spring...Finally!

Terri. said...

I am a new follower on Facebook and Twitter. I already follow you on GFC. Hope you can stop by my blog and check it out and follow back.

Tammy @ Type A said...

too funny! poor kitty. lol

abeachcottage said...

Very cute! Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays

Anonymous said...

Gracias por visitar mi blog. Si queres aprender Espanol, tambien ofrezco lecciones por Internet via Skype. Si queres te mando mas informacion por email. Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

Unknown said...

Hi, I just landed here from The Adventures of JMan and Miller bug Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. I'm a brand new follower.

I appreciate all comments and follows and would be more than happy to return the favor.

My blog is about art, photography, quotes and inspiration. I'd love for you to drop by.

Bella Vida by Letty

What a sweet cat. We have a 3year old American Bulldog named Princesa. I'm going to have to go post some pics of her soon.

stlavonlady said...

I love your cartoons and excited too come back and read moore. I found you through Design It Chic: Boost My BLog Hop. I am now following you and would love it if you came by and visited my blog.
I love both cats and dogs! Our family cat, Cabernet passed away last year. :( I was devistated, but a year later and we are looking for a new family pet. :)


Lori said...

How fun! My cat was a stray who adopted us. Sadly, his name is just Kitty, but I love him!

Unknown said...

Hey girl!!! Thanks for the comment and follow I'm following you back!!! That's awesome to have a movie star in your home!!!:-)

Mrs. Zwieg said...

This was cute! Thank you so much for stopping by and following! I am now following you back, have a wonderful day! :)

House of Sarager said...

I found you on Design it Chic and am following now. Your blog is lovely!

The Circus said...

We bought a three year old chiauhaha, so she came already set in her name... "Booger". I kid you not. Do you know what it's like to be in a public place, have her run away from you, and have to start calling her? Not cool...

Jen from True Life I'm a SAHM said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!! I am also your newest follower :-)

Jen- The Mommy Restaurant Review

Patricia said...

Very cute blog. We have a new addition to the family. I was on a busy road and notice a plastic trash bag on the side of the road and three little chihuahua escaping from the bag. I turned around and my husband and I was able to catch one of them but the other two were too scared and very fast. We brought the little girl home and she is so sweet and she is house broke. I has taken a couple of days for my two labs to ajust to the little critter but they are over joyed now. I am still very angry at these people that can just dump these animals when they are tired of them are they become too much trouble. How much can one little dog eat give me a break. Ok I will get off my soap box. But you did ask ;) Her name is now Sugar because she looks like she was sprinkled with brown sugar.

I am following you via the Sit and Relax Weekend blog hop. Please follow me (Mamaw)

Patricia said...

Sorry for to leave my blog link.

Debbie said...

What a great blog! And we do have two very loved and pampered cats!
Came over from the blog hop. It's very nice to meet you.

Claire said...

New follower here:)
Love your website! ( I love cats )
My website is all about my cat, Packson! ( he is awesome ) I left your link on my page. Have a good rest of the weekend!
Claire M.

Liz said...

I'm a new follower from the "Sit & Relax" weekend hop!

The Charm of Home said...

Cute story. Thanks for linking it up! Please when join the HSH party put a link back to your post in it. Thanks!

Night Owls Perch said...


Stopping by from

I followed you on GFC, facebook, twitter, and entered one of your contests! :) Please stop by my page and like and follow me too, if you havent already!


Boy n Beethoven said...

Love your bwog!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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