About A Cat Named Mouse: The Miracle Of Answered Prayer
The story of A Cat Named Mouse is an adorable and heart-warming story that will touch kids especially. Mouse's owner is a precocious 12-year old girl named Annie whose family loves Mouse as much as she does. But as Mouse is napping on a first floor windowsill one day, something happens - she tumbles out and she is lost to her family. This would be a nightmare for any pet owner, and no less for Annie and her parents.
The writing is appropriate for a middle school age-group and the word pictures painted are those that animal lovers would appreciate, including the formulating of an organized plan (including family prayer) to find their lost pet that they consistently follow daily until Mouse shows up again in what is clearly a miraculous way. Annie prays for God to protect Mouse and bring her back.
Giveaway details
To enter to win, leave a comment below telling me why you want to win this book.
Contest is open worldwide and ends March 11. Good luck!
Looks like a great read! Happy Monday!
I want to read A Cat Named Mouse because I believe in the miracle of answered prayer.
I want to read this... Because I am a cat person! Seriously I adore cats... plus, it is an inspirational and Spiritual read... I think it is perfect for me! Thanks for this
Wow, we’ll have to get this one (our library just keeps growing and growing!). Thank you for this really great book giveaway, Avalon!
Good luck with your giveaway. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
I want to win this book because I'm just curious bout the cat mentioned :D
Sounds like a great book and I love cats!
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
I would love to win this because the cat looks exactly like my grandsons cat "Puffer" (he's a fat cat) and Puffer is his best friend. I think My grandson would enjoy this book as much as I would!
it sounds like an adorable read and it would be great to add to my 30+ reviews on Cat Chat
cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com
Sounds great. Love the title!
Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Wow, this cat looks like my mom's cat that she had a while back! He lived to be 13 years old, and his name was PJ, now if only we named him "Mouse" ;-)
Sounds like it would be a fun read!
Thanks for the opportunity!
The cover looks really cute, and I think I would like reading the book. Thanks for this chance to win it.
I love to read, love cats (mice are okay too, smile) and it looks cute.
Thanks for making this open to Canadians.
Besos, Sarah
Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo
journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
I love the cover and I like cats. Looks like a cute book. Thanks for the chance to win.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
For one thing, the cover is TOO cute!
Thanks for the INT giveaway!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
Love cute stories... My daughter would love it!
cassandra mccann
I think my whole family would enjoy it
I would love to win this for my son. We are growing his collection & I think this would be great!
I adore cats and I love the cover!
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I adore the title of this book :)
This sounds like a great book to read to my sons. Thank you!
This book sounds perfect for my 13 year old daughter. We're a "cat" family and she loves to read! Other reason? This happened to my cat when I was a young girl! He was a BIG cat trying to squeeze onto the window sill. He finally got settled.....and OOOOOPS, down went Koonie. lol good thing it was on the first floor. He landed in a shrub. ha
The book sounds great
crystaley73 at yahoo dot com
I'd like to win this for my son because he loves animal books, and it sounds like this will teach him some moral lessons, too.
smhparent [at] hotmail [dot] com
Sounds perfect for light reading!
I would love to win this book because first off I love animals and have lots of pets. Oath reason is I have kids that I enjoy reading books and we then talk about them. And lastly a signed book is like a little piece of heaven foe any avid reader like myself. sbereza22(at)gmail(dot)com
great book! i love cats!
thanks for making this international!
I love cats and this looks like a book my granddaughter would like too.
Seems like a sweet book
My daughter loves cats and would love this book
makeighleekyleigh at yahoo. com
I don't like cat (I'm a bit afraid of it. :D) but few of my best friends love cats a lot that it'd be a great gift for one of them. Thank you. :)
I love to read all kinds of books, this sounds like it could be a very fun read :) Thank you
i want to win because i love to read! diesel_had_my_baby@yahoo.com
I love cats and so do my kids and I think this would be a great book for them. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love cats, and boy do I believe in the power of prayer! Thanks!
This would be great for my nine year old daughter. Not just the cute story, but bonus, she's a huge cat-lover. coreybrennan26@hotmail.com
I want to win because the cat looks like our cat "bunny", who my kids love and we would enjoy reading this book.
My daughter would LOVE this!
Love cats.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
I'm an animal lover, so I would love this story. I'd also love to share it with my niece, an animal lover herself. Thanks for the giveaway!
allisonmoyer (at) yahoo (dot) com
My Granddaughters would love this story.
dustykattc at hotmail dot com
I would like to win it for my daughter.
fizees at jenblogs dot com
I love cat stories :D
thanks for the giveaway!
This sounds like a precious book! As people who are owned by cats, and the parent of elementary school-aged children, I think this sounds like a great fit for our family.
Thank you for participating in this hop.
I love to read animal stories.
We have two cats, and I think that my daughter would love this book.
looks cute..
truckredford at gmail
looks good!xx Speedy
I want to win because i have a 12 year old daughter who would like this
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I would love to read it. Firstly, because I'm a believer, and secondly, because I love cats and book covers with cats! :D Thanks! :)
love to win this book as I'm a animal lover(cats and dogs esp.)and it would be good for the grandkids to read and see how prayer is incorporated into daily living
I want to win this because it sounds like a beautiful story.
I would love to win this for my little sister as she loves cats! :)
Perfect book for my daughter she loves cats.
darleneysaguirre @yahoo.com
I love this. I volunteer at my local rescue and enjoy working with the kitties. Thanks! Katieamanda1(at)yahoo(dot)com
thanks for the giveaway! i would love to win this because i love inspirational faith stories, and would love to read this with my son someday! :)
Because I love cats! Got 13 of them at home, all strays which we rescued off the streets.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Tess H
My 11 1/2 year old daughter would love this book! Thank you for sharing. :)
jukyjoauka at aol dot com
I loves kitty cats. I would like to read this book. :3
I want to win for my girlfriends daughter. I have been trying to find a book appropriate for her age that has a great story but one that is still innocent.
This book seems to be very interesting! And I like the cat on the cover :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Sounds like a very inspirational book! Thank you for the chance to win!
My kids love animals, and they'd be crazy about this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
I have 5 kids n no tv we luv books
I'd like to win this book for my daughter because I know she will learn a lot from this. Thanks for the Giveaway!!! :)
We love cats at our home! Cantonbrandy@yahoo.com
My granddaugher loves cats and loves to read
I have a friend who really love cats ;p
crescent dot ivy at gmail dot com
I'm always looking for good middle grade books to review on my blog. This sounds like something I would enjoy.
I need something new to read, and this looks like something I would really enjoy! Thanks!
I like cats.
I'd love to read this because it sounds like a good story to share with my family.
My daughter loves cats and I think we could go through this one together.
my niece is turning 13 and know she would LOVE this book!
I love cats & my grandson would love this book!
I love cats. mommy4five @ yahoo . com
The book sounds so cute.
I'd like to win because I love to read, and this sounds great!
hschonrock at yahoo dot com
We LOVE cats in our house. My autistic son has a special bond with them too!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
That's awesome! My kid loves cats but we can't have one because I'm allergic!
I would love this book because we have two cats that we love dearly and I know my children would appreciate this book. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
Awe, this sounds like a sweet book.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
I'd like to win because this book sounds insanely cute and I love heartwarming stories!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Email- sarikapatkotwar (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win this book for my daughter, who loves cats!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
My niece and nephew would love this book. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
This sounds like a sweet read!
My daughter loves cat books. She would adore this book:)
cc_clubbs [at] yahoo [dot] com
Because cats really rule the world. I was told that in ALL of the other 51 universes, the CATS are kings !!!! And queens, of course. That's why the look snobbish for people here. They are not our pets. We are not their "owners". the own us.
In their Katziwebs (similar to out Internet, but only much higher and much netter) in these 51 Universes, they are famous for their memes on us poor hum as, always having fun of our awkwardness lol
But not only that. They sometimes spend time thinking if it is valuable to turn EArth into a place to be conquered. So far they came to conclusion that it is not worthy. So far, they decided that we are so fun for them to look at us, pathetic beings, that we are kind of a circus to us, so, they are not a three from the 51 universes... until they get bored of us, of course. Then world domination. And it is only here they hate rats. In these 51 universes, they interact from neutral, to friendship, rage, hate, just like us, humans. No war, though, ever happened on the Katzi galaxy.
Me and my princess cat (she has a tiara , lol )thank so much for the giveaway <3
Because cats are awesome being!
Love my cats, and this book is one me and my granddaughter would love to read
Great giveaway
I like the picture of the cat. That's why!
Because my kids and I love to read together.. delilah1912(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love cats, and this sounds like it'd be a good book.
I would like to win because I love cats and the book looks cute!
cmarquez482 at outlook dot com
Nice giveaway
suefitz1 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love a heartwarming story! Thanks!
~Mippy :)
bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
My tween daughter would love this! Thanks!
would love to wn for my daughter carly she would love it
i love teh cover this soudns liek ti would be a great book with lots of funny happeniengs :)
luckyladybug67@ gmail dot com
My little nice loves animals and loves to read. This would be such a nice gift for her. kristindream@hotmail dot com
I would like this book as I had the experience of losing my cat and I remember the search and the joy of finding her. Aside from that my biggest loves are cats and books and this would be double win for me.
I would like to have this book because I think my son would love it!!
My daughter is cat crazy
I think this would be a great book to read with my niece, she is a big cat lover, and likes to read along with people. Thanks for your giveaway!
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com
It sounds like an interesting read.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
It would be great to win a copy of the book "A cat Named Mouse" because it sound like a book I would enjoy. I love cats.
Cory F
dontsendmorejunk at hotmail dot com
we have 2 cats, and my 11 yr old daughter would love to read this book... she's an avid reader and I can only imagine what would happen if we lost one of our furry friends! Thanks for the chance!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I think my daughter would like this
I have two daughters that love cats so they would enjoy this.
I love books and cats so this would be great
My 9 yr. old daughter would love this book! Thanks :)
I would love to win this book because I am always looking for ways to impress upon my children the power of prayer. This book would be a great way to add to my collection.
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