Monday, July 18, 2011

Ultimate Kitty Drink

Ultimate Kitty Drink

Ultimate Kitty Drink
Ultimate Kitty Drink


Rene said...

Hee hee hee, so true!

Musings of a Creative Writer said...

Haha, my old cat used to do that religiously. My one cat now does it from time to time if we're not there. Once we did catch her in the act though.

Great story!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

That is so very true!!!! Love it!!!

Diane said...

Perfect....... Diane

CATachresis said...

lol keep the lid down with a brick on it!

Tapanga Jansen said...


teecup said...

Avalon, that's a bit gross, tee hee hee :)

teecup said...

Avalon, that's a bit gross, tee hee hee :)

Laura Lowe said...

Funny! In the case of my cat, the best water comes from the glass I just placed on my night stand. He dips his little paw in it and licks the water off. And, I go back downstairs for a new glass for myself.

Ellen Whyte said...

LOL, yup that's how it goes!

Cara n Crew said...

mol! We think that's proly the reason mom keeps the lid down on our, er, water fountains :-D

Fraidy Cats Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

actually it IS true because milk is bad for cats :)

Ellen said...

Love it! ~ Ellen

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Eeeuuwwww!!! Flavoured water, eh? har har har *evil laughs*

Anonymous said...

BOL! Hardy Har Har ;)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Your expressions are fabulous :D

Karima said...

Saw you on link party, now google following, please pop by, Karima x

Lisa said...

Haha! But our Kitty likes the water in the shower after we finish using it even more!

Hey Jen said...

Both my cats and dogs do the same thing! Well thankfully the dogs don't stand on the toilet seat like that. Though they probably would if they could!

Stopping by from ChicnSavvy Reviews. :)

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

My kitties agree with you! They say pooh-flavoured water tastes better. :D

Debbie said...

Cats are such funny creatures! Have you ever read the article on how to give a pill to a cat? It is hysterical. Stopping by and following from Fun Tuesday blog hop. Have a great day.

FirstComesBaby said...

Ha so cute! New follower coming over from the Tuesday Blog Hop! Nice to meet you!
Angela@ First Comes Baby...

Becky McNeer said...

Very funny! I don't have a cat, but my dog does the same thing!

meowmeowmans said...

MOL. Good one, Avalon!

Candice said...

Funny! Newest follower from the blog hop. Would love for you to follow back :)

Pink Dandy Chatter said...

That's so cute! Following you...would love a follow back =)

bays books said...

hey i found you on welcome wednesday and i am now following you, check out my blog at

Unknown said...

hello from your newest follower from Slop Swap's welcome wednesday blop hop! would love if you'd come over to the asylum and follow me back as well as share some comment love on my most recent sponsored post! thanks and you caught me with the title on this one! awesome!

Plain Graces said...

Following you from the Welcome Wed. Blog Hop- I am showing this to my sister-in-law.

Unknown said...

ahaha too cute. just like my kitties. following ya! :)

Good Girl Gone Green said...


Unknown said...

New follower from Fun Tuesday Hop! And my kitty prefers the DOG'S water! LOL

Kristen@CountryFitFamily said...

My cats never did that but they did share the dog's water bowl and it didn't bother them a bit. My mom's cat on the other hand always wanted fresh water in his bowl. He would drop a piece of food in the water bowl and not touch the water until it was changed.

I'm a new follower from Stalk Hop Friday.I'm following through GFC, Facebook & Twitter.

Please follow me back at


Anonymous said...

that's hilarious!!

now following from Friday's blog hop! - hope you stop by and follow back!

KaeliH said...

sooo true!

Visiting for Friday blog hop, stop by and see what’s new or become a new follower at:
Kaeli’s Kiwis Reviews and Giveaways

Luxington said...

Too cute! I just caught Lux drinking out of the toilet for the first time recently. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! This blog is adorable and I'm going to check out your books as well :-)

Ramblingon said...

now that is the truth if I have ever seen it!

Mare said...

so true, so true! love it!

Emily in Wonderland said...

WHAT are you doing with cartoons of my cats on your blog!!!! :-O Do you have vans??

Anonymous said...

This is so cute!

Kwee Cats said...

Hi Avalon! It sure is nice to meet you! We think your cartoon is neat. Our Mumsy puts water out for us all the time, but we like the drippy water in the sink so much more! :-)

Have a good weekend!

Evelyn said...

Oh my gosh, it's so true! In my cats' case, it's the tub water...after someone has bathed, or sometimes during the actual bath. Ew!

I'm a new follower from the Saturday Stalk blog hop!

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

I'm loving the cat's look in frame #2. Precious!!!!

Lisa x

BECKS said...

Haha, that's our Jemma. She always looks so sheepish when we catch her at it!

Vicki said...

MOL! So true! You have a lovely blog!

Dayna Musto said...

Hi - I'm a new grateful follower from the Relax and Surf Sunday blog hop. I have 3 kitties and can totally relate to the toilet being their favorite watering hole.

Pip444 said...

Hello. I found you on Relax and Surf blog hop
I hope you will swing by and follow back

Thanks so much'

HomespunTales said...

How true! Am your newest follower from the Sunday blog hop- Please come by my new blog and follow back.

mimilovesall8 said...

Funny! Loved this.
I just followed you and would love a follow back at

Kat's Purrfect Boutique said...

Hi, I found you at Flamingo Toes. I love your cartoons and your cat is gorgeous! One of my cats, Pepsi, would be perfect for commercials. She is really smart, beautiful and has a great personality. She's part ragdoll and part calico so she has rabbit like fur. How does a person get their cat auditioned? Thanks, Katharine

Lexie Lane said...

What a great way to get you laughing on a Monday!

I'm your newest follower from Monday Madness Blog Hop. When you have a chance, please come and meet us over at It is a great site that allows women to engage and really connect with each other. You won't find the same unpromising atmosphere that you normally do elsewhere. Our site allows you to gain INSTANT followers (yes, they really do follow, you'll see), INCREASE YOUR TRAFFIC, and have a chance to connect with some great women. The traffic we generate for our members is usually VERY good considering we're a fairly new site. In just 1 month after our relaunch, we've accumulated over 18,000 posts and 365,500 page visits! Please come take a look and I guarantee you will be impressed with the results.

You may also check out these sites for testimonials of our site:

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voiceBoks - The Place to Be

and... Top 10 Blogs for Work at Home Moms

Hope to see you there!


Lexie Lane

Jenn Erickson said...

Your post couldn't be any more timely or perfect -- we're pet sitting for not one, but two different friends this week, so we have kitties on the brain.

Love your artwork, your humor, and of course...Avalon!

Thank you for sharing your talent on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17!


Jill said...

So cute! I love all your cartoons - great artwork!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

DMS said...

This made me laugh and think of my cat! :)

I found you through Book Blogs and signed up to follow you. When you have a chance- please stop by and follow the blog for my middle grade novel that I am hoping to get published.
Also, my co-author, Stephanie, liked your fb page today. Please like us back at:
Take care-
Jess- although I may show up as Fairday, the main character from my novel. I can't figure out why that happens sometimes and I can't fix it. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! New follower from Bloggy Moms:)

Ariel said... true

we are back so please visit us at our new blog...

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

So funny!
Thanks for the laugh :)

*^_^* said...

Hilarious! Perfect! ;D

Cassy said...

hahaha! That's funny.

Cassy from Guitar Playing Tips

Donna McDine said...

Delightful illustrations! I'm in awe of your blog followers and comments!


Tabitha said...

I follow you on gfc. My fav cats drink is the water from the dogs bowl!

Karen Cioffi said...

What cute illustrations! Quite a site! My site is the lead-in to your site for Blog Jog Day.

Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing

Suzanne Lieurance said...

What a cute site. I've never been here before - got here as part of Blog Jog Day!

But as someone once said, "I'll be back!"

The Working Writer's Coach

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

For the longest time I couldn't figure out why 3 of our 5 cats smelled like fish, other than the obvious. Turns out they all go down to the lake for their morning rub in the dirt. Why they come out smelling like fish, I'm still not sure.

Great post. Happy jogging.

Doreen Pendgracs said...

Terrific illustrations, and so spot on!

Our cat refuses to drink from his water his by his food. So I have a small water dish that I've put on each deck for him when he's outside. But his fav place to drink from is the tap in our upstairs washroom. Isn't it funny how finicky they are with respect to where they will and will not drink from?

Happy Blog Jog Day, and thanks for dropping by my writer's blog.
Doreen Pendgracs

God Mission Possible said...

Avalon and Vanessa - thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. My Blog Jog Day post didn't go live as planned... I "hate" Blogger's automatic post feature! I even had an offer for a free copy of my book in ebook format today... bummer.

Feel free to stop back by at your convenience for the FREE download at

Have a blessed day!

p.s. Love the kitty stuff! (lol)

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Just jogging by on Blog jog day. Thanks for the visit.

Karen Cioffi said...

I'm following!!!

Thanks, Karen

Michelle said...

Kiki is a solid black cat and she happens to love dipping her little nose in anything I might be drinking. Thanks for stopping by Manic Network during your jog!

Andi said...

Glad that you visited my for Blog Jog Day, this cartoon is hilarious and I look forward to see more in the future.

John Bellen said...

One of mine prefers the running water from a tap but otherwise it's true, especially the disdainful attitude.

Yvette said...

Whiskas cat milk is my cat's ultimate kitty drink.
lelijkeyvette (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

My cat's favorite drinks are Baileys and Amaretto.

Unknown said...

Hello! First time I visit your blog ... I am your newest followers from Blog-Hop!. I hope you get some time to stop by my blog and follow me back through Google Friend Connect.
I look forward to know you better through your blog ... Have great week!

Michiko Johnson said...

Thank you for dropping my space and leaving kind comments.
Your post game a big smiles that I enjoyed read
very much.

Tamago said...

It is so funny!! My boy is very very interested in toilet water. If I don't stop him, I'm sure he will drink it!

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.
Water seems to be it.

Hannah Collins said...

At Your Critter Sitter we are always wanting to connect with other pets! We are a mobile dog walking, dog grooming, pet sitting service in Sydney Australia.

Unknown said...

Hi, love your blog, it's amazing. I am a new follower from the Hop, I hope you will have a chance to check my blog back and follow too.

The Abandoned Knife said...

New follower here, love the cartoons and this one is so very true. When you get a moment, please check out my blog. Thanks

S. Yissele said...

Happy Labor Day! I like your Blog & I'm following your blog, FB & twitter! I hope your visit!


Cricket @ Thrifty Texas Penny said...

so very true! New follower from the Tiggerific Tuesday hop (yes I know it's already Friday, LOL)

Trevor said...

Our Van used to do the same :)
van cat blog

Mahesha said...

haha!! so funny!!! great work!!! I am following you on google friend connect. :)

Renee-The Hungry Monster said...

It is true. Something so intriguing about the toilet bowl-we keep the seat down!
I'm following you from the Terrific Thursday blog hop!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Thank you for joining the Halloween Weekend Hop at! I'm a follower and hope to see you at next weekend's hop too.

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