Avalon is giving away the books
Ghost Cats - Human Encounters With Feline Spirits and
Haunted Pet Stories - Tales of Ghostly Cats, Spooky Dogs, and Demonic Bunnies as part of the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop
Ghost Cats - Human Encounters With Feline Spirits

People who have spent their lifetime observing and interacting with cats will say that these amazing animals seem to possess powers - supernatural, psychic, or otherwise - that we can only begin to comprehend. But are they able to return from the grave as well?
Ghost Cats - Human Encounters With Feline Spirits, the strangely heartwarming tales of cats who have refused to let death part them from their human companions are recounted in vivid and captivating detail. A thrilling read for the cat and ghost lovers among us, and a consolation for those who have lost a beloved pet.
Haunted Pet Stories - Tales of Ghostly Cats, Spooky Dogs, and Demonic Bunnies

Since ancient times, stories have abounded concerning the existence of ghost animals. From the Native American animal spirits, to the menacing demon dogs of medieval England, to present day encounters with animal apparations, there can be little doubt that animals, like people, live after death and pass back and forth between this world and the next. In the realm of the paranormal, experiences of deceased pets who revisit the living are common events. Like the ghosts of humans, pet ghosts return for various reasons. Sometimes they appear to say goodbye. Sometimes they want to reassure their grieving owners that they are all right, and that their spirits are always with them. And sometimes, as they often did in life, they are guarding their beloved humans, delivering a message or a warning.
Haunted Pet Stories - Tales Of Ghostly Cats, Spooky Dogs, And Demonic Bunnies covers a wide range of encounters with animal ghosts. Some of these encounters are comforting, others are terifying. In general, when pets return in ghostly form, they provide comfort and protection to the living. But there are other less benign phantom creatures who have been known to haunt places of violence, or exact revenge upon humans for evil deeds which, while long past, have somehow evaded justice.
Giveaway Details

The first winner will receive
Ghost Cats - Human Encounters With Feline Spirits and a second winner
Haunted Pet Stories - Tales of Ghostly Cats, Spooky Dogs, and Demonic Bunnies. If you have a preference for one of the two books, just let me know. Giveaway is open
worldwide and
ends November 1st at 11:59 pm EST. The winners will be notified by e-mail and has 48 hours to reply back.
To have a chance at winning, do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase.
- Become a public member of this blog through Google Friend Connect (right-hand column)
- Tell us a (true) story about pet ghosts in the comment section below
- Share this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and/or StumbleUpon
What a great idea for a book! Shared on Facebook.
Fun giveaway - I'm a GFC member, thanks!
Following on GFC.... I have a ghost in my house....always messes with the lights in the house...great giveaway!!
Your newest follower!
What a fun giveaway! Sorry I missed your hop. Looks like you got some great participation! :D Been following you for a while :) Really enjoy your cartoon :D
Good luck to the giveaway participants!
Waggin at ya,
PeeS: Just ran a haunted treasure hunt (animation thingy) over at www(dot)petfictiontheater(dot)com. It's over now but thought you might enjoy watching it anyway :)
Thanks for the giveaway! I follow your blog with GFC. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Halloween !
I know it is early but it seems appropriate.
Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.
I do not have a pet ghost story. I often think of departed dogs and cats we have had and sometimes think I see them in the streets but that is about as far as it goes.
I follow via GFC - buddyt
Please enter me.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Great giveaway! Here's my haunted pet story...
A couple of years ago after my 15 year old cat had been missing about a day I saw her ghost. I couldn't see her if I looked directly at her I could only see her out of the corner of my eye. I saw her come in a closed window stop and sniff some tools laying in the floor in front of the TV. Then she ran down the hall and I haven't seen her since. She didn't die a natural death something killed her. The bad thing about this is I had been having premonitions about this for months and I still couldn't stop it. Has anyone else had experiences like this?
I have a story about ghosts of pets too, mor in particular the story of a haunted guinea pig. On a beautiful summer day in 1925, Major Wilmot Allistone decided to take some photographs of his wife and children. In one of the photos, he was surprised to discover, in place of the teddy bear that her boy was holding, the deceased guinea pig of the latter. The animal had been eaten by a dog a few days ago and no one seems able to explain its presence in this photograph. Although this photo is controversial and opinions differ as to the claret of the animal ghost and opportunities for cheating. According to the experts who examined the photo, the thesis of a hoax is unlikely. This photograph of an animal ghost is one of the most popular distributed on the net. However, several other images, more or less eloquent, were also presented, but virtually none of them did not exclude the doubts of cheating.
Just shared ghost cats and haunted pet stories on google+
And I became a follower of your blog two weeks ago.
New follower on GFC (katsrus). Your blog is so cute. I love cats. I don't have either book so no perference. I love my beloved kitty to a house fire. And shorty after I moved into my new house on same site I would feel someone rub against my legs. No one there. I would also hear light meows now & then when my other 2 cats where sleeping and no where around. I also felt like he was always near comforting me.
Sue B
I am a follower, GFC, Facebook and Twitter.
I have always been a cat lover and I can not remember a time in my adult life without one...thanks for the giveaway!!! I am #212 in this giveaway!!
thank you for this international giveaway
i'm a GFC follower: isabelle frisch ( or perhaps miki i really don't know, sorry)
i don't have a gosht story...just sometimes i've the impression my last dog is conforting me and guiding my new baby^^
Shared on Haunt Jaunts FB page. http://www.facebook.com/HauntJaunts
Shared via Haunt Jaunts Twitter acct.
Shared on Facebook. I believe Animal Spirits stay with us. Our first dog moved in 3 weeks after we bought our first home. Muffie was our baby - and stayed with us for 18 1/2 years.
9 months after she crossed to the Rainbow Bridge, we moved to a new home. 2 1/2 weeks later I was surfing the rescue sites - just looking - since we still had out 17 1/2 year old lab mix - Barney. He was Muffie's best friend.
Instead I found a small dog - with an expression that had me shaking. Muffie no doubt! Three days later we were at a shelter I had never visited - but passed with Muffie on her vet visits.
We found ourselves adopting a 9 month old little girl, who had traveled all the way from Puerto Rico to find her forever home. Gypsy freaked us out many times in the beginning - her habits, her expressions, her instant attachment to Barney.
We finally realized - Muffie sent her - and we know her spirit came with her.
Years ago, after our cat, Ra, was put to sleep as he had a problem that could not be cured. A week later, a friend of mine, Kathy, called me on the phone and said, "I thought you had Ra put to sleep? I saw him lying on the kitchen window sill as I drove past the apartment."
I replied, "Kathy, Ra'd been dead for a week." All she said was "Oh."
Later, as I laid on my bed, I felt something jumped up onto the mattres and walk up to me. I knew then then that it was Ra.
I'm a blog follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Shared on facebook and Google friend connect!
Demonic bunnies? I love that title! Haha, My bunny is a demon - he eats my yoga mat when I'm trying to do yoga!
Pet ghost story? We had a Bernese Mountain Dog when I was younger. I was 10 when we got Rosa, 17 when she got incurable cancer and we had to have her put down. She'd been through a lot with us - twice we moved house, once to a different country, and had been the perfect companion for my parents and all three of us children when we were all ships without anchors. She helped to keep our lives balanced at a time when none of us was really in a good state of mind (moving from England to France will do that to you!). The day we had her put down, all of us had a dream of her that was so vivid we could even smell her. It was like she was coming to say goodbye one last time and she was telling us that it was ok.
(And as inevitably happens when I talk about Rosa, I now need to go find a tissue! lol.)
Follower via GFC as Rea.
thanks for the giveaway! shared the giveaway on FB AND am following publicly with Google Friend Connect. Sorry, no pet ghost stories although we did have a pet cemetery below our garden area where I grew up. It was kind of creepy since we went through a lot of pets.
I had this dream once... I was sitting in the garden and suddenly I saw our cat that died a few months ago. It was a lucid dream.
I said: you are still dead, how do you get here?
He said: I've only returned in your dream. In real life I'm dead.
I said: do you live in the land of the dead (Heaven)?
He said: Yes sure, you dream everywhere.
I said: What does the sky look like?
He said: it looks like a huge city with a lot of people and animals. It is not just people of the Earth, but also aliens.
I said: Am I allowed to know this?
He said: of course, you now know what you can expect when you die.
I said: is it just because it's Easter is that you are back?
He said: I'm not back. You are now talking with a dead cat. You can only hear me in your dreams. I cannot come back to the world.
I said: Is god the same as jesus?
He said: Yes, if you think god exists than he is.
I said: what can you all do in heaven?
He said: you can do anything you want, just sitting there like the Earth laws.
I said: how is the technology in heaven?
He said: everywhere where you want to you can listen to music without any technology without anyone suffering.
He said: do the greetings to my sister. (Another cat who is still alive)
I said, I do, bye.
He said: Bye!
These books sound great! But if I win I hope they don't make me afraid of my cat!
I am a follower
forevereading at gmail dot com
I GFC follow *heavensent1*...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
I actually have a ghost cat that lives in our house...sometimes it crawls into bed with me, when the happens, my own cats go nuts...LOL Okay, so it's NOT so funny when you have one on your back and one at the top of your head when he, and I "feel" like its a male cat, comes to visit!! :P
Your book looks wonderful!
I am following as Renee G on gFC
I had a cat who got out and disappeared shortly after I moved to where I am now. I never found out what happened to him, but he always slept on the bed by my legs. Most every night, I feel a weight jump on the bed, and thinking it's one of my present cats, I look down, and nothing is there but I feel a weight settle next to my legs.
Became a public member of this blog.
Shared on Facebook.
I would love to have either of the books! I love animals, particularly cats, and I believe in ghosts!
I am loving these comments (stories)! How fantastic!
CUTE blog! I'm a public follower via GFC!
A few years ago, my pet dog died. The next year on the anniversary of her death, I was going to school. When I got out of the car, me and my mom heard something (we were the two people closest to the dog). It was a bark. Only me and my mom heard it. My brother, in the backseat didn't hear it. The bark was the dead dogs bark. Nobody around the school owns a dog. I looked around, there was no dog around.
A few years later my cat died. On the same day as his death, I went in my room. Beside my closet, I saw something. It disappeared in thin air. It was my dead cat's tail. It looked as though the cat was in my closet and the tail was curled around the door. Then, I felt peace as if my cat had said goodbye. I believe my dog and cat spoke to me in ghost form.
What do you think? I need help and advice about this. Also one time I was in a play. Everyone said the theater was haunted by a girl who had black braids. I didn't believe them. Then when I was rehearsing we had a break. When I turned around, I saw the ghost. Nobody else did see her. At first I walked away. But she followed me. I was really freaked out. Then when I was alone, I felt cold air glide through me. The ghost was in front of me! She had gone through me! I ignored her and was tripped when nothing was there.
When I went home the ghost followed. To this day the ghost is still here. Also I see more ghosts now too.
Shared on Facebook! The Inn I stayed at in Salem, Mass had this book! :)
I'm a new GFC follower. Thanks for the chance! I would love to read Haunted pet stories.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
I follow you GFC (same name)
So this never happened to me but my friend whe nwe were about 16 had a pet hamster for a LONG time (or what passes for a long time with hamsters). About a week after he died my friend was sitting on the couch in her room watching tv petting him on her chest... Until she remembered he was dead that is :)
megnate at telus dot net
I'm following via GFC :)
New follower from a blog hop :) Thanks for having this giveaway and I hope you can follow back
GFC Marie
marieevans1990 at rock dot com
GFC reading mind :)
aliasgirl at libero dot it
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a GFC follower as Thais.
thais_rpc at hotmail dot com
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/_slycat/status/129682473767550978
thais_rpc at hotmail dot com
I would love the ghost cats.
I am a gfc follower
GFC Krystal Larson these look great, thank you!
GFC follower and i am so happy i came across your blog! just sat with my dying fur child sat as he passed on... i cant wait to come back and read more on your site! thanks!
monica powell
GFC: Mary Preston
I don't have a pet ghost story. I wish I did.
I am following your blog. I do not have a pet story. Our cat died a few months ago and occasionally I keep thinking I see him in the window. Thank you
After we had to have my ferret put down (she had a rarer form of leukemia than what ferrets usually get), I would still hear her collar bell jingle until we moved from that house.
GFC - rickimc
Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC follower-judy
I don't have a pet ghost story, but I hope my cat sticks around after she's gone. That would be cool. :)
I'm a GFC follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
i am from Bulgaria
whats your skupe?
my is stasi1237
and my birhday is 5 december
You will see your animal later again. I heard my dog weep a few days after his death and I saw him waiting at the gate. I see and hear everything from there that I got by.
pierrelekeux (at) yahoo (dot) fr
Enter me. I follow this site on Google Friend Connect.
Also shared this on Facebook Pierre Lekeux
pierrelekeux (at) yahoo (dot) fr
Also shared this on Twitter Pierre Lekeux
pierrelekeux (at) yahoo (dot) fr
I follow on GFC
Ghost cats... I like cats... ghost cats are fine too but I cant eat them for breakfast and that's a pity
follow on GFC
google+ the giveaway
Hello! I'm following you from the Whimsical Wednesday blog hop! I'm following you through GFC, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
I hope you have a great rest of your week!
Much Love,
P.S. Those books sounds interesting!
For a short time in the nineties, my husband and I lived in an apartment in a very old terrace house in Paddington, Sydney, with our young cat, Sabrina. On many occasions, without warning, and for no obvious reason, Sabrina's hackles would go up, she'd start hissing, spitting, and doing that weird little sideways-jumpy thing that cats do in a confrontation, all the while focusing on some empty space in front of her. We became so concerned about this that we consulted a vet. The vet concluded that we simply had a neurotic cat. When we moved out of that apartment the odd behaviour abruptly stopped. Sabrina lived to the age of 15, and shared 5 more homes with us, yet not once did she exhibit that strange behaviour again.
TCHATCHE OU CRÈVE (d'après Dorota Maslowska)
Comédie sarcastique racontant l'histoire de trois êtres piégés par leur rêve désespéré de devenir célèbres.
Une femme au foyer à la gloire littéraire passée, une riche inconnue mal aimée, un antihéros chanteur qui traque une gloire promise, croit-il... Bref, une galerie de personnages allumés...
Adapté du roman polonais Tchatche ou crève de Dorota Maslowska, jeune écrivaine pop par excellence de Pologne.
Création du collectif TAF
Avec Raphaelle Bruneau, Claudio Dos Santos et Circé Lethem
Du 31 Janvier au 11 Février 2012
Info & réservation:
Théatre Jardin Passion
39, rue Marie Henriette
B - 5000 Namur
+32 (0) 472 965 316
I think these are demons that have been summended, usually from people being stupid and not knowing what they are dealing with. I think they prey on children and the elderly. exspecially if the human person have no positive inner faith to help protect them. I think they can pretend to be good or disguise themselves as children to coaks human children to go with them to their death, out a window , smothered, or other ill faited incidents, protect your children while their young have them babtised teach them a prayer or to call on a deceased love one to protect them . good luck.
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