Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Cat Toys Giveaway

One reader will receive a bag with these 5 Halloween Cat Toys.

Giveaway is open worldwide and ends November 1st. The winner will be notified by e-mail and has 48 hours to reply back before a new winner will be chosen.

To have a chance at winning, do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase.

  • Become a member of this blog on Google Friend Connect (right-hand column)
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or StumbleUpon


Elizabeth T. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I follow your blog with GFC.

Have a wonderful day!

BlackWolf said...

GFC: blackwolf

BlackWolf said...


miki said...

Thanks you for this giveaway international, my cat would love them if i win. (don't enter me for the ebook, thanks)

gfc follower : isabelle frisch ( or perhaps i'm listed as miki, sorry i'm not sure )


Greta is Erikasbuddy said...

WOW!! What a cool prize!! My kitties will love it!

I'm a follower! Greta is Erikasbuddy


Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating and for the giveaway opportunity. I think my cat could star in a horror flick when he hasn't had a brushing for a while (mangy monster we'll call him)

GFC: Sophia Rose
FB share: Sally Michele Shaw

Samantha said...

follow with GFC, thanks for the chance

Catherine Lee said...

My cats, Missy & Chewy, would love the toys.

I follow on GFC


trublujo said...

on GFC
Jodi Trudel
trublujo at hotmail dot com

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

I no longer have cats but your cartoons are cute.
Nice to meet you.
~Naila Moon

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

thought I already was following you on GFC but I don't see any photos posted there. I am there now Caren Gittleman

throuthehaze said...

I follow you via GFC (Throuthehaze)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Amanda Tempel said...

I love those cat toys! Especially the broom - I know my kitten would love it :)

Following on GFC as Amanda Tomlinson


Jasmine1485 said...

I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485, I think my cat would have a lot of fun munching on these lol :)

kate1485 at

Holly S. said...

I follow you via GFC as Holly S.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

So cute!

I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and say hi.

debbie said...

I am a gfc follower. I have 5 cats that would love these.

Lisa said...

Hi! I’m visiting from the Friday Follow 40 and Over Blog Hop. Your blog is awesome! I look forward to getting to know you and learning from each other! I think the idea of an over 40 blog hop is a great idea! I’m your newest follower and I’d love for you to return the favor! Thanks!!

Life Full of Laughter

Mary @SweepingMe said...

How adorable!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

GFC-Mary @SweepingMe

Alaskanbookcafe said...

My kitty is excited!
GFC: Cristina G

Alaskanbookcafe said...

oh duh!

Thanks for the great giveaway. Stop by mine if you get a chance!

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

GFC follower reading mind and cat lover! I got 2 lovely friends here just now!

aliasgirl at libero dot it

Sarah said...

GFC follower as Sarah453

slbastin at gmail dot com

Kayla Eklund said...

My cat would love these!
GFC Follower: Kayla27

Anonymous said...

GFC Follower as Amy Orvin

Anonymous said...

shared on facebook as Amy Orvin

Anonymous said...

Hi - Am already a GFC follower - and Love this Giveaway!

My tortie/calico cat, Miss Kitty, would so love to be the winner!

Happy, Safe Hallowe'en!


Aik said...

I'm a follower. Happy Halloween!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Ceri said...

I am GFC follower Ceri Kay. cerievans1[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awful kind of you to do a blog hop! I am not entering the contest because I would eat those toys before June Buggie could wear them out and that's not good. woo woo woo!

Claire's Book Corner said...

Hi I'm a new follower from the weekend warrior blog hop. My cat would love me to win these for her.
I have a book review blog if you would like to visit it is
Happy Halloween

Vinci said...

I am sure the black kitty "Chaza"
would love to play with
the spooky kitties toys. thanks
follow by gfc - dayleb - vinci
dayleb @ telus dot net

Vinci said...

oh yes follow by twitter vinci777
vinci777 DAYLE
Avalon Cat Cartoons

dayle b at telus dot net

Judy said...

Love the cat toys. My Muffin would love them.

GFC follower-judy


Bustassarna said...

Hi Avalon!
Bustassarna is following your blog and shared this on Facebook (as Åsa Karlsson).

Bustassarna is swedish for 'Naughty Paws' and reffers to my cats Leo (Turkish Van), Darwin & Nellie (British shorthair).

Happy Halloween, Avalon! <3

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween!
Thanks for joining my blog hop at:
I am now following you back:)

Karen F said...

Stopping by from the Monday Mingle Blog Hop!
Visit Me when you can
Karen at Mommy's Moments

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

LOVE those cat toys! Following on GFC!

Christopher Corbi said...

I'd love to win those halloween cat toys

following on gfc as christopher corbi

Christopher Corbi said...

liking your facebook page as christopher corbi as a means to win the halloween cat toys

Christopher Corbi said...

and i just gave this a +1 on google+

Christopher Corbi said...

twittered about the halloween cat toys as well

Natalie said...

Great website! Found you through blog hop, now following via gfc! Happy Halloween.

Morgan the Pirate Gato said...

We joined the Blog, we linked on Facebook, we tweeted and we sent an e-mail link to a few friends.

Now we will wait with paws crossed to see who wins!

Purrs from the Pirate Ship - Morgan

Anonymous said...

Those little toys are so cute. My little buddy would just love them!

Thanks for the giveaway.

I follow via GFC: Blackest_Night_Reads


jessica said...

I'm a GFC follower. I hope that you have a happy halloween.
Jessica B
jessangil at gmail dot com

Sarah Kay said...

I hopped over from the Meet Me Monday blog hop and I'm your newest follower on GFC :)

I hope you can stop by my blog sometime and follow back!

Have a great week!

Sarah Kay

Mizz Bee said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! GFC and shares on facebook :)

Happy Hallowe'en and good luck everyone!

Gert Vanderlinden said...

GFC follower Gert Vanderlinden

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, what a neat giveaway! We follow you here on Google Friend Connect. :)

Happy Halloween, friends!

kthattori AT g mail (DOT) com

Emma B. said...

The perfect Halloween treat for my kitties!

GFC: Emma Brown

Cheryl Lage said...

Adorable! Thank you so much for linking up with Makes My Monday...hope you will often!

Gail Cinninger said...

A cat can never have to many toys! Especially at Halloween our favorite holiday! Way cute.

Krysykat said...

Great giveaway!
GFC- Krysta Banco


jmuhj said...

WOW!!! These are eye candy as well as cat candy — very Autumnal! ;-)

Shelley said...

I follow on gfc. Thanks

Darlene said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
GFC Darlene

Darlene said...

+1 for tweeting:!/DarleneBookNook/status/131216876163436544

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Renee-The Hungry Monster said...

Cute toys! My cats would love the broom.
Following you from the Meet Me Monday blog hop!

Lillirose Tigerness Merlina said...

Dear friends, I like cats and i like halloween ... ♥* ; o }

kelsea said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!

Good Music For Good People said...

Ha ha cute! Will be happy to participate in your competition to offer one of these cat toys to my my cat adoring girlfriend

Marilia said...

Happy Halloween!!!

Mizz Alvarado said...

Following you via MBC please visit my blog...

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

New follower here from WEds. hop

Don't you do website graphics too? Your blog name sounds familiar

Please follow back Thanks

Darcy B said...

yes please–my fur baby could always use a new toy!

Aggie said...

These look awesome!! I bet my kids would love them too.

Anonymous said...

its amazing, i think its very entrusting and joyful work. those cats are really very beautiful and cute. i am too excited.........
Pop Art

pam said...

Happy Fall, swinging by to wish you the best in this beautiful fall season.

Anna Garcia said...

You Have A Nice Blog About Cats. My Site Anna

Anonymous said...

TCHATCHE OU CRÈVE (d'après Dorota Maslowska)

Comédie sarcastique racontant l'histoire de trois êtres piégés par leur rêve désespéré de devenir célèbres.

Une femme au foyer à la gloire littéraire passée, une riche inconnue mal aimée, un antihéros chanteur qui traque une gloire promise, croit-il... Bref, une galerie de personnages allumés...

Adapté du roman polonais Tchatche ou crève de Dorota Maslowska, jeune écrivaine pop par excellence de Pologne.

Création du collectif TAF
Avec Raphaelle Bruneau, Claudio Dos Santos et Circé Lethem

Du 31 Janvier au 11 Février 2012

Info & réservation:
Théatre Jardin Passion
39, rue Marie Henriette
B - 5000 Namur
+32 (0) 472 965 316

silvi silviani said...

makasih gan infonya

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