The product comes in a handy container of 50 ml that you can take with you during walks in the forest. If the tick has been attached to your pet longer than a few hours, it will often already have a firm grip on your pet's skin. In these cases, Tick Away will still freeze the tick, but you might need to remove the tick manually using tick tweezers. Because Beaphar Tick Away freezes the tick immediately, it does not have to chance to empty it's disease-infected stomach contents into your pet's bloodstream. This will lessen the chance of ticks transmitting infectuous diseases.
Giveaway Details:
Two readers will receive one 50 ml spray of Beaphar Tick Away. Giveaway is open worldwide and ends May 1, 2012. The winner will be notified by e-mail and has 48 hours to reply back before a new winner will be chosen.
To have a chance at winning, do one or more of the following and post a comment below about each action you took. Each comment will count as a separate entry so your chances of winning increase.
- Follow this blog through GFC, Facebook, Twitter or Google+
- Share this giveaway on one or more of your social media
- Leave a comment telling us how you keep ticks away from your pets
GFC Follower as Amy Orvin
following on facebook as Amy Orvin
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following on Google + circles as Amy Orvin
shared on FB as Amy Orvin
I keep ticks off my pets by giving them Avantage flea and tick applicators. It kills fleas and ticks all month long.
I am a gfc follower. I used frontline- it is supposed to kill both fleas and ticks. I have heard it is going to be a really bad year for ticks.
GFC follower: CinnyBBS
Whirlwind of Surprises
Twitter follower: CinnyBBS
Whirlwind of Surprises
I bought this stuff that you're supposed to put on. I can't remember the brand name though. it might actually be advantage
Whirlwind of Surprises
couponcookie at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC
i follow gfc brenda
my two boys are inside kitties and don't have tick problem. out other kitty (that lives at my kids dads house) is an outdoor kitty and we try collars and drops but he still gets a lot of ticks
I use advantage but they still hop on. I wonder if I could use that stuff on me!
I've actually been fortunate that I've only had 2 ticks on any of my dogs in the years we've lived where we're at! I've tried using preventatives on my dogs when I walk them in wooded areas, but haven't had luck and they've picked up ticks there. I'd love to see if this product works on them!
I follow you on Twitter (@L_A_Frances).
I tweeted this giveaway (https://twitter.com/#!/L_A_Frances/status/191599227145687040).
I have actually been very lucky not to have a problem with ticks, living in the city and all. I use general flea preventative.
I follow via GFC (Catie Russo)
I follow on GFC as jlindahlj
Following on GFC as Rachael Henzman!
-Rachael Henzman
I use Advantix on my dogs, but they still manage to get a few ticks during the summer so something like this would really help!
GFC follower Caroline S.
Following on twitter as @jenniferannifer
GFC public follower - Michelle Spayde
I follow on GFC as Jessica Bleasdale
Jessica Bleasdale (JACB)
sexxyjessi at hotmail dot com
I +1 this blog post (Jessica Bleasdale)
Jessica Bleasdale (JACB)
sexxyjessi at hotmail dot com
Twitter: @hmax17
Google & FB: Hannah Hudson
Commenting: This, hehe, I keep them away with Frontline
Thankfully don't need this product, but thanks for a dog related giveaway!!
Depuis son plus jeune âge, Jiminy Waterson a un don : un estomac à toute épreuve, capable de dissoudre de ses sucs gastriques particulièrement puissants tout ce qui n’est pas comestible. On veut faire de lui un rat de laboratoire, mais son ami Alex l’encourage à utiliser ce don sous la forme d’un show, et l’entraîne dans une tournée à travers les États-Unis. Ainsi, au détour d’un prêt-à-manger planté au bord d’une route de Virginie, Jiminy devient-il L’Homme au Ventre Magique. Mais quel est donc le rapport avec ce complot politique qui se trame autour d’un détournement de déchets nucléaires ? Ou avec ce prisonnier dans le couloir de la mort, dont on organise secrètement l’évasion ? Ou encore avec ce flic qui n’a plus qu’une seule idée en tête : se débarrasser de sa femme ? Un seul dénominateur commun : la folie humaine…
G+ follower - Glenna Faccenetti
Following on twitter as @bittnern
We have been using frontline but the ticks aren't ever bad where I live.
i am a gfc follower
i shared on my facebook
I buy frontline flea and tick drops for my pets.. Thanks for a great giveaway
I'm your newest follower from the Friendly Followers Hop!
We use topical tick preventatives and stay out of deep brush when possible
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Visited and entered all!
i follow you via gfc!
christinejessamine at hotmail dot com
new follower via google+ Michele Pineda, I use Frontline for my pets, it is supposed to stop both fleas and ticks.
I follow on GFC as Aunt Maggie Rocks
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
Im following this blog on facebook
following from Multitestingmommy's blog hop ;)
I follow you on FB, Lynn Bee
amylynnsaves at yahoo dot com
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journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
We keep our dogs away from the long grass on our (15 acre) property. during tick season, I give them Frontline.
journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
P.S. I found you on this linky
Thanks for making this open to Canadians.
GFC follower~jdm2551
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Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com
Newest follower
Found you over on Blog Frog :) Happy Blogging hope you come join me as well.
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Keep fleas and ticks away from the dog and cat with a good powder as well as treating with Frontline.
following on gfc heather.loftus@aol.com
shared on twitter
Intersting post sweetie! I was thinking...maybe we can follow each other?! XoXo
I keep ticks off my pets by giving them Avantage flea and tick applicators.
GFC follower
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
GFC Follower
Jenna P.
Like Avalon Lion on FB- Kimberly W. F.
Use Advantage, & stay out of the long grass!
I follow you on GFC as cstironkat
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I use Frontline to keep ticks off my dog.
I follow this blog on Twitter under @Chellesy1
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GFC as Velvet Hubler
Keep fleas and ticks away generally using Sergeants flea and tick spray
velvethubler at yahoo dot com
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I follow GFC Savannah Miller
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I shared Beaphar Diagnos Tick Away Spray on Facebook!
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I follow on facebook (fb name is Just Coupons)
JustCoupons (at) Triad.rr.com
Follow on GFC - Bernice Mckay
Like on FB - Bernice McKay
Folow on Twitter - @mckay72
I am following on GFC as Rachel Robertson
malibu311 at gmail dot com
Shared on FB as Azrael Robertson https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=158173594309843&id=100000290647821
malibu311 at gmail dot com
I have the groomers apply a tick medicine when my dog goes in.
shared on facebook as Azrael Robertson
malibu311 at gmail dot com
Followed on GFC (Lynette Paige) and shared on FB.
We use Advantage!
I am following you on GFC where I am Marguerite.
The various Rafflecopters on the Pampered Pooch Giveaway Hop call me 'Margot' since they are accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot Core'.
So far Leonardo, a cat who goes outside here in the suburbs of Los Angeles, has not acquired a tick; though I do fear them and there are many wild animals in the foothills nearby who are said to carry them. I love wild animals, but yike!
calls me 'Margot' since it is accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot Core'.
like you on fb
heldog3 at aol.com
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helldog3 at aol.com
helldog3 at aol.com
I use frontline
helldog3 at aol.com
From Furrin is now following Avalon Cat Cartoons via GFC.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
Follow via G+ as "From Furrin".
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
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fromfurrin at gmail dot com
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fromfurrin at gmail dot com
I usually use a topical treatment like BioSpot to prevent fleas and ticks. If I fromfurrin at gmail dot com
GFC alwaysjoart
Followed of GFC wow299
i follow you on facebook!
following via gfc as krystle smith
krystlekouture at yahoo dot com
I'm so lucky to live in an area that doesn't have many ticks! I can't imagine living in tick country!
Following your blog publicly on Google Friend Connect under Romapr
romapup at gmail dot com
Following you on Google+ under Ro M
romapup at gmail dot com
I keep ticks away with a natural supplement. So far so good. But I also check them when they have been outside. Thanks!
romapup at gmail dot com
It's always better to keep ticks away using a natural remedy. By rubbing tea tree oil into your pet's fur, the ticks will go away by themselves.
Our cat is an indoor cat, so we normally don't have much issues with her and ticks. Thank god lol.
New follower from blog hop
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follow on gfc: jennifer speed
I follow on GFC
We use Advantage and Frontline for fleas on the cats and they're kept indoors so we've never had a tick problem.
Google +: Sarah L
Thanks for the contest.
I follow you on GFC. I’m Missy Lynnh
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
I use Frontline Plus to keep ticks off my cat.
Emily L
bananaquit [at] gmail [dot] com
I use Trifexis for my longhaired dachshund, Ralphie, and Revolution for my calico cat, Callie.
I follow VIA GFC: Katie Mitchell
Following on GFC: Cheap Is The New Classy
We have so many ticks around here. I use fronguard on my dogs EVERY month.
Typically, we keep ticks away by doing flea and tic drops
lovefool827 (at) yahoo (dotcom)
GFC follower - Rebelchick
Twitter follower - @rebelchick81
FB fan - Rita Light
I usually use Comfortis to keep the ticks away.
Follow on GFC as debbiemzim
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Thanks for the giveaway!
maksih gan
I follow your blog on Facebook!
When we are in tick country we do a tick check because if removed before 24 hours you can avoid tick born illnesses.
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